Crop Protection – Dixondale Farms Layers of Flavors, Generations of Expertise Tue, 12 Mar 2024 14:07:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Crop Protection – Dixondale Farms 32 32 Mancozeb Fungicide with Zinc Tue, 19 Sep 2023 16:37:21 +0000
  • Order 2 or more for just $30.75 each!
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    To prevent the formation of fungal and bacterial spores, which can cause decay and make bulbs unusable, use a broad-spectrum, protectant fungicide on your leaves. The product contains zinc, iron, and manganese that help keep the tops healthy after spraying, and it is effective in controlling common onion diseases such as Downy, Powdery, Blight, Neck Rot, Purple Blotch, and Botrytis. Moreover, this fungicide can be used on almost all fruits and vegetables.

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    Treflan Herbicide Granules – 4 lb Fri, 30 Sep 2022 15:35:03 +0000 Onions do not like to compete with weeds. Treflan granules prevent 27 different types of grass and weeds in your garden.This is a pre-emergent herbicide that does not kill weeds but prevents them from germinating.

    4 lb. bag (treats approx. 3000 sq. ft.) $29.95  Two or more $28.95 each]]>
    Onions do not like to compete with weeds. Treflan granules prevent 27 different types of grass and weeds in your garden.This is a pre-emergent herbicide that does not kill weeds but prevents them from germinating.

    4 lb. bag (treats approx. 3000 sq. ft.) $29.95  Two or more $28.95 each]]> 0
    Broad Spectrum Fungicide Tue, 17 Aug 2021 06:38:10 +0000
  • Order 2 or more for just $30.75 each!
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    Begin applications after three weeks from planting prior to favorable infection periods and repeat at 7-10 day intervals for as long as conditions favor disease development. Use 1 tsp per pint of water to spray approximately 25 square feet. Do not apply more than 56 tsp per year. Controls Botrytis Leaf Blight, Blast, Purple Blotch, Neck Rot, and Downy Mildew. Do not apply within 7 days of harvest but three applications prior to lifting will greatly improve storage capability. 16 fluid ounces.

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    Spinosad Soap Concentrate Tue, 17 Aug 2021 06:35:58 +0000
  • Order 2 or more for just $30.75 each!
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    Spinosad is a relatively new insect killer that was discovered from soil in an abandoned rum distillery in 198s. Produced by fermentation, Spinosad can be used on ornamentals, lawns, and vegetables to control cut worms, thrips, and onion maggots. After ingesting Spinosad, insect pests die within 1 to 2 days. Will not persist in the environment and is classified as an organic substance by the USDA National Organic Program. Mix 4 Tbsp per gallon of water and spray no more than 300 square feet. Spray no more than 5 times per year and only when insects are detected. Do not spray within one day of harvest. 16 fluid ounces.

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    Copper Soap Fungicide Tue, 17 Aug 2021 06:31:09 +0000
  • Order 2 or more for $30.75 each!
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    Copper is one of the oldest fungicides around that’s safe for controlling a broad-spectrum of plant diseases such as Botrytis Leaf Blight, Purple Blotch, and Downy Mildew. Mix 1 ounce to a gallon of water as preventative or 2 ounces per gallon of water if you have disease or conditions are right for disease such as heavy rains or leaf wetness. Repeat every 7-10 days during the growing season once plants are established (approximately 3 weeks). Best to apply when you have at least 12 hours of dry weather following application. Spray 1000 square feet with each gallon of mixture. 16 fluid ounces

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    Dixondale Farms Onion Growing Success Kit Tue, 17 Aug 2021 06:24:54 +0000
  • Complete kit to ensure onion growing success.
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    Our Onion Growing Success Kit contains everything you need to grow your most successful onion crop ever!

    This exclusive Onion Growing Success Kit includes a 4 lb. bag of 10-20-10 Onion Special Fertilizer, a 4 lb. bag of Ammonium Sulfate, a bottle of Hi-Yield Grass Killer, a bottle of Ferti-lome Broad Spectrum Fungicide, and step-by-step growing instructions for you to follow!

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    OmegaGrow 5-1-1 Organic Liquid Fertilizer Thu, 20 Feb 2020 23:43:55 +0000
  • Organic Nitrogen foliar feed that will provide essential nutrients to your onions.
  • Order 2 or more for $30.75 each!
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    This organic fertilizer for onions provides the earth with a rich source of nutrients that slowly break down and release nitrogen into the soil, continually supporting root growth, top development, and yield but never harming the environment. This is a natural organic and positive way to enhance your onion crop.

    Mix 1 TBSP with a gallon of water and spray 50′. Spray on first application 2 weeks after planting and continue every 7 to 14 days until onions start to bulb. One pint will treat 10 bunches for an entire season.

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    All Natural Onion Growing Success Kit Thu, 20 Feb 2020 23:35:33 +0000
  • Complete Organic solution for onion growing!
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    Try our new All Natural Onion Growing Success Kit that provides all the essential products to help you grow your most successful all natural onion crop yet!

    This exclusive Onion Growing Success Kit includes a 4 lb. bag of Dixondale Farms All Natural Weed & Feed 3-5-3, a pint of OmegaGrow Foliar Feed, a bottle of Copper Soap Fungicide, a bottle of Spinosad Soap Concentrate, and step-by-step growing instructions for you to follow!


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    Grass Killer Post-Emergent Herbicide Thu, 20 Feb 2020 21:39:40 +0000
  • Keep your onions from competing with grass!
  • Order 2 or more for just $30.75 each!
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    Keep hard-to-kill grasses out of your onion patch! Grass Killer takes care of most perennial grasses up to 1 foot high. Active ingredient is a product called Poast which is what we spray all our crops to kill grass that has emerged. This product works best on younger, actively growing seedlings. Well established grasses may require additional applications. Works on many types of grasses.

    To use: Apply to established grasses. Mix 2 Tbsp. to one gallon of water. Use an oil such as vegetable oil at rate of 1-2 tsp per gallon of water to help as a surfactant.

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